Drug and alcohol detoxification is medically supervised withdrawal. It involves the use of medications to wean patients off of their substance or substances of abuse.

Dr. Siegel is a specialist in outpatient drug detoxification. He treats addictions to alcohol, heroin, and prescription pain medications such as Percocet, Oxycontin, Vicodin, Lortab, Ultram, Morphine, and Dilaudid. In addition, he treats addictions to benzodiazepienes such as Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, Ambien, and Ativan. Dr. Siegel treats addiction to nicotine as well.



  • Prevent or decrease the chance of medical complications of withdrawal.

  • Minimize discomfort as much as possible for the patient.

  • Support long term recovery and maintenance of abstinence.



Dr. Siegel is also a specialist in the application of unique addiction psychopharmacology (medications) to treat the symptoms of:

  • Acute Withdrawal – symptoms that emerge during detoxification.

  • Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) – symptoms that persist after detoxification for weeks, months, or even years.

  • The overall goal is to provide the safest and most comfortable medical detox as possible.


A slow taper of a substance offers several benefits compared to a rapid taper. Here's a detailed explanation of these benefits:

  • Minimizing Withdrawal Symptoms: A slow taper allows the body and brain to adjust gradually to decreasing levels of the substance. This approach helps minimize the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. Abruptly discontinuing or reducing the substance can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, including physical discomfort, emotional distress, and cravings. By tapering slowly, individuals experience a milder and more manageable withdrawal process, increasing their ability to cope with and overcome withdrawal symptoms.

  • Enhancing Safety: Rapid tapers can pose risks to individuals, particularly when dealing with substances that have severe withdrawal effects. Suddenly stopping certain substances, such as alcohol or benzodiazepines, can result in life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, including seizures or delirium tremens. A slow taper provides a safer approach, reducing the likelihood of serious complications and medical emergencies during the withdrawal process.

  • Promoting Long-Term Success: A slow taper supports long-term success in quitting substance use. Abrupt cessation often leads to a higher risk of relapse. The intensity of withdrawal symptoms and the sudden shift in neurochemical balance can be overwhelming, making it challenging for individuals to maintain abstinence. A gradual taper allows for a smoother transition, giving individuals a greater sense of control and stability. This gradual adjustment helps build confidence and increases the chances of sustained recovery.

  • Psychological Adaptation: Addiction is not just a physical dependence; it also involves psychological and behavioral aspects. A slow taper acknowledges the psychological dependence on the substance and provides individuals with more time to adjust and adapt to life without it. This gradual process allows for the development of healthier coping mechanisms and the exploration of alternative strategies for managing cravings and triggers. It helps individuals build the necessary skills and resilience to face the challenges of recovery.

  • Increased Compliance: Slow tapers often result in improved compliance and treatment adherence. Abruptly discontinuing substance use can be a shock to the system, making it more difficult for individuals to stay committed to the tapering process. A gradual tapering schedule is typically more manageable and less disruptive to an individual's daily life. This increased compliance enhances the likelihood of successfully completing the tapering process and transitioning into sustained recovery.


David Siegel, MD Addiction Medicine Specialist

David Siegel, MD
Addiction Medicine Specialist


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